College of Education


Research Projects


Early Childhood Teacher Education In Ghana
Early Childhood Teacher Education in Ghana

This initiative was funded through the USF Global Academic Partners (GAP) Program. This program provides an opportunity to develop meaningful, sustainable, and mutually beneficial collaborative research, teaching, and creative activities with our University Global Academic Partners, including University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana. The aim of this competitive seed grant program is to assist faculty from all partner institutions in developing common projects that become springboards for external funding, sustained collaborative teaching, or creative scholarly activities. The USF Early Childhood faculty are focusing on the opportunities and challenges for early childhood teacher education in Ghana. The cornerstone of the approach is to collaborate with faculty at University of Cape Coast in Ghana, build on the strengths of existing early childhood systems, and draw from a wide variety of technologies and program designs that meet the specific needs of Ghanaian children and families.

Childrens Mental Health
Sarasota Partnership for Children's Mental Health

The Sarasota Partnership for Children’s Mental Health works with interested community members to design and establish lasting networks and collaborative alliances to support the mental health needs of local children. In addition, evaluation plays an important role in the measurement of family progress and outcomes, quality improvement and overall community success.

Verizon Literacy Endowment
Verizon Literacy Endowment

The Verizon Literacy Endowment funds various initiatives in the Department of Childhood Education and Literacy Studies. Benefits of the programs include learning opportunities for the children, parents, and educators within and surrounding the USF community. Children are given the ability to enhance their literacy abilities and parents are encouraged to become involved. The opportunities provided by Verizon are making a difference in the lives of children. Innovation and education make a difference in our schools and our community.


Journal of Reading Education (JRE)

The Journal of Reading Education is a refereed publication of the Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading. The focus of the JRE is to promote excellence in literacy education through improvement in the professional development of reading teachers. The articles of interest to JRE members include: improving professional practices in higher education; helping teachers improve their instruction; facilitating administrative and supervisory practices; and researching teaching practices.

Contact: Dr. Janet Richards, Nancy Williams