Scroll down this page for entries G through L or jump to any other section of the index by clicking on the first letter of the term you are looking for.
Holocaust Site Index G-L
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Historical contextGeneral Government
Use in "Operation T4"
Janusz Korczak deported with orphans to gas chambers
Visible from "Gypsy Family Camp"
Chambers closed at Sobibor
Discovery by Allied troops
Definition: Zyclon B
Document: "Undesirables" exterminated
Document: Testimony of Auschwitz SS-men
Document: Testimonies of Belzec SS-men
Document: Testimonies of Treblinka SS-men
Photo Gallery: Majdanek gassing facility
Photo Gallery: Bernburg "euthanasia" facility
Photos: Mauthausen gas chamber
Photos: Destroyed gas chambers at Birkenau
Photo: Entrance to gas chamber at Auschwitz
Photo: Temporary gas chamber at Auschwitz
Painting: "Gassing" by David Olere
VR: Bernburg gas chamber interior
VR: Majdanek gas chamber interior
Jews Ordered to wear Star of DavidGenocide
Comments from Hans Frank
Separate General Government ruled by Hans Frank
Goebbels on fate of Jews in General Government
Map: Location of General Government
Countries and businesses profited from genocideGerman Worker's party
World War I and the Armenian genocide
Total figure for Jewish genocide
Teaching about genocide
Document: Program of the German Workers' PartyGestapo
Historical contextGhettos
Definition: Geheime Staatspolizei
Heinrich Himmler
Special Division targeting homosexuals
Document: Nuremburg Trials testimony
Art of the ghettos
Music of the ghettos
Document: Segregation into ghettos
Photo Gallery: Warsaw Ghetto I
Photo Gallery: Warsaw Ghetto II
Photo Gallery: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising i
Photo Gallery: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising II
Photo Gallery: Lodz ghetto
Photo Gallery: Other ghettos
Photo Gallery: Ghetto artists
Map: Ghettos
Activity: Janusz Korczak
Holocaust glossaryGoebbels, Joseph
Short biography and photoGoering, Hermann
Photo Gallery: Delivers speech
Short biography and photoGreat Depression
Document: Discriminatory decrees against the Jews
As character in the Emperor of Atlantis
Document: Nuremberg Trials
Photo: Portrait
Impact on GermanyGuerrilla Warfare
Areas ideal for guerrilla warfare
As form of resistance
Guerrilla fighters executed
Definition: Partisans
Introduction and links
Extended USHMM article
Photo Gallery: Various memorials
Bibliography: Roma and Sinti
Photo Gallery: Various memorialsHess, Rudolf
VR: Rose garden
Short biography and photoHeydrich, Reinhard
Photo: In jail cell
Short biography and photoHimmler, Heinrich
As prepetrator
Chaired Wannse conference
Document: Gives Kristallnacht order
Short Biography and photoHitler, Adolf
As Chief of Police
Jehovah's Witnesses as example for SS
Roll in death camps
Sobibor death camp escape
SS and Himmler
Start of Black Shirts under Himmler
Opposition to homosexuality
Reich office combatting homosexuality
Views on Poles and ethnic groups
Document: Letters and speeches
Document: Letter regarding mental disabilities
Document: Letters to and from Himmler on sterilization of Jewish workers
Document: Letters to Himmler on medical experiments
Document: Correspondence Concerning Japan
Document: Report on mass executions
Document: Report entitled "Resettlement of Jews"
Document: Statements of "Jewish Question"
Document: Order on POW status
Document: Order on beatings
Rise of the Nazi PartyHitler Youth
Nazification of Germany
Not the only perpetrator
Policies against people with disabilities
Policies against Jehovah's Witnesses
Policies against homosexuals
Mein Kampf
As "artist"
Blames Jews for state of the arts
Article: "When I Met Hitler"
Documents: Hitler on the "Jewish question"
Document: Address by Hitler
Document: Hitler on propaganda
Document: Proclamation of Hitler
Nuremberg Trials: Hitler invited to invade Austria
Nuremberg Trials: Charges against Hitler
Photo: Hitler and Von Hindenberg
Photo: Hitler speaking in 1935
Photo: Hitler reviews 35,000 SA troops
Photo: Hitler reviews Stormtroopers
Photo: Hitler reviews SS troops
Photo: Attending concert
Movie: Hitler Gives the Jews a City
Movie: Opening1936 Berlin Olympics
Photo: Hitler Youth march through NuremburgHomosexual Victims
Photo: Hitler Youth view boxcars
Definition: League of German Girls
Introduction and links
Extended USHMM article
Photo Gallery: Various memorials
International Military Tribunal
Chartered after the war to prosecute Nazi criminals
Documents: Trial transcripts
Photo Gallery: Nuremberg trials
Introduction and linksJudenrat
Extended USHMM article
Included in groups taken to camps
Nuremberg Trials: a persecuted sect
Judenrat in ghettosJudaism
Definition: Bar-Mitzvah
Definition: Bat Mitzvah
Richard Wagner on Judaism in music
Geographical movement of European Jews
Religion and education goes underground
Star of David
Jewish police detain a former kapoKollwitz, Käthe
Photo Gallery: Pietá by Käthe KollwitzKorczak, Janusz
Activity: Never again war
Photo Gallery: Janusz Korczak Memorials
Play: Korczak and the Children by G.E. Farrell
Play: Dr. Janusz Korczak
Weblink: Living Heritage Web Site
Escalation of terror
Document: Kristallnacht Order
Photo Gallery: Kristallnacht
Map: Synagogue destruction
Movie: Kristallnacht
Polish annexationLódz Ghetto
Hitler's quest for Lebensraum
Photo Gallery: Life in the ghettoLutz, Carl
Monument for the Swiss rescuer of Jews in Budapest
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2005.