College of Education



Two early childhood specialization courses are offered per semester. Courses outside of the specialty are generally available on a regular basis. A full time student (9 credit hours per semester) could finish the program in four semesters. Most of the students take the program part-time, completing the degree in six to seven semesters.

The comprehensive exam is a six weeklong paper assignment (two papers, 15 pages each) that must be taken with one other course, or by registering for two independent study credit hours.

Courses are in the evenings to accommodate working teachers.

The current program of study is below.

A. PROCESS CORE Min. 6 hrs.
EDF 6481 Foundations of Educational Research 3
EDF 6120 OR EDF 6211 Child Development OR Psychological Foundations of Education 3-4
B. PROGRAM CORE Min. 6 hrs.
EDF 6517 OR 6544 OR 6606 Historical, OR Philosophical, OR Socio-economic Foundations of Education 3-4
EDF 6432 Foundations of Measurement 3
C. TRENDS COURSE (3 hours)
EEC 6678 Research Seminar: Issues, Trends and Advocacy in Early Childhood Education 3
D. CONTENT SPECIALIZATION (18 hours minimum) (choose 6 courses)
EEC 6415 EC: Diversity in Home and School 3
EEC 6626 EC: Play and Learning 3
EEC 6205 EC: Curriculum and Authentic Assessment 3
EEC 6525 EC: Program Development & Administration 3
EEC 6265 EC: Programs and Advanced Curriculum 3
EEC 6055 Advocacy and Leadership in Early Childhood Education 3
EEC 6517 Social Justice in Early Childhood 3
E. Comprehensive Exam