FCIT Home > A Teacher's Guide to School Web Sites
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Overview
Chapter 3: Decide
Chapter 4: Design
- Organize Your Content
- Determine Site Structure
- Set Up Your Navigation
- Choose the Look and Feel
- Design Your Pages
Chapter 5: Develop
- Writing for the Web
- Preparing Your Graphics
- Sources for Your Graphics
- Scanning for the Web
- Editing Your Graphics
- Saving Your Graphics
- Tips
- Preparing Other Media
- Audio
- Video
- Virtual Reality
- Begin the Programming
- HTML Basics
- HTML Tags
- WYSIWYG Editors
- Site Management
- Linking
Chapter 6: Evaluate & Maintain
Chapter 7: Other Issues
Table of Contents ||
Chapter 1 ||Chapter 2 ||Chapter 3 ||Chapter 4 ||Chapter 5 ||Chapter 6 ||Chapter 7 || Glossary
©2004 Florida Center for Instructional Technology
College of Education, University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave., EDU162
Tampa, Florida 33620
Dr. Roy Winkelman, Director
This publication was produced under a grant from the Florida Department of Education, Office of Instructional Technology.