Classrooms with
Laptops or iPods
With the advent of laptop computers and wireless network connections,
it is now feasible to use several laptops or iPods in a classroom, take them
on field trips, and send them home with students. Used appropriately,
they can engage students in project-based learning and multimedia
activities, as the students participate in data collection, brainstorming,
or production projects.
The Laptop Learning Challenge by the National Science Teachers
Association listed several advantages for using laptop computers in educational
settings, including:
- Portable within the school, outside the classroom
- Portable for field trips and investigations
- Provide immediate data processing and graphic feedback
- Immediate feedback and analysis allows next-step decision making
in the field
- Allow file-sharing
- Facilitate group work and collaboration
- Generate reports and presentations
- Flexible and inventive uses
- Access to expert resources on the Internet or through email
Depending on how many laptops you have and the goals of the lesson,
they can be used individually by students, in cooperative groups,
or in large group activities. The opportunities to use laptop computers
as an integral part of educational activities are endless. Unfortunately,
the potential for off-task behavior (such as surfing the net) also
exists. Teachers need to adopt classroom management techniques designed
to avoid problems and ensure appropriate use of the computers. Consider
the following options that have been successfully implemented in
wireless classroom:
- Do not tolerate the mis-use of laptops.
- Designate "Think Time" or "Lids Down" time
when students must direct their attention to the teacher or facilitator
- Plan ahead for re-charging batteries.
- Install identical software programs.
- Set up shortcuts to software programs.
- Ask students to save files in a specific directory.
For more ideas on laptops in the classroom, review the following
Computer Labs
There are both advantages and disadvantages to having computers
in a separate lab environment. There may be technical assistance
in a lab for trouble-shooting the computers, installing the software,
and helping the students. In addition a lab (as opposed to one computer
in each classroom) allows more students simultaneous access.
However, the time in a computer lab is generally quite limited. If this is the configuration at your school, you may have to
be more structured in your approach to multimedia activities. In
other words, if you only have access to the lab for 40 minutes each
week, it may be difficult to engage the students in long term projects.
However, that does not mean that you cannot benefit from multimedia
in your curriculum -- just plan ahead (have the students create
storyboards and concept maps in the classroom), make sure they are
aware of the goals and procedures before going to the lab, and structure
short-term projects that can be continued in the classroom (without
One Computer Classrooms
Although it can be challenging to conduct multimedia activities
if you have only one computer in the classroom, there are strategies
that can maximize student access. In addition to using the computer
as a presentation tool (for the teacher and students), it can function
as a learning/research center or as a development station for small
Class Presentation Tool. If a projection unit or TV converter
is available, the computer can be used as a presentation tool for
you or the students. This allows you to demonstrate, provide and
use technology-enhanced teaching techniques. In addition, students
can showcase their projects and present them to the class.
Research/Learning Center. One option is to use the computer as
a component in a learning/research center, where students can access
multimedia encyclopedias, the Internet, and application software
(such as spreadsheets, concept mapping tools, and word processors).
Working individually or in small groups, during class time or "free"
time, students could use the computer for research, data collection,
publishing, and media production, and many other activities.
Development Station. If you are conducting a multimedia activity
in which several small groups must have access to a computer (and
you only have one computer), you'll need to create a rotational
schedule and make sure the students without a computer are engaged
in another facet of the activity. For example, one group may be
conducting research through "traditional" means, another
group may be brainstorming or writing their storyboards, and other
groups may be using a digital camera, scanner, or camcorder.
For more ideas on using a computer in a one-computer classroom,
review the following links:
Classrooms with several computers
If your classroom has several computers, you can use them as presentation
tools, learning centers, development stations, or a combination
of configurations. Unlike a computer lab, a classroom with several
computers will have computers available whenever the students need
them, enabling "teachable moments" throughout the day.
In addition, students will be able to leave projects that are "in
progress" on classroom computers, knowing that other classes
will not be using the computers. Computers in the classroom provide
more flexibility than going to a computer lab, but less flexibility
than having laptops available for students.
Many researchers agree that a minimum of three computers in the
classroom is needed to ensure that every students gets some time
at the computer during a single classroom period -- obviously, the
more computers, the better -- especially if the class is large.
The number of computers and students in your classroom will determine
how large the groups must be or how many rotations of groups it
will take for every group (or every student) to have time on the
computer. While students are waiting for their group's turn at a
computer, they can work on related, non-computer tasks. For example,
some groups may be collecting data, while others are inputting the
data into spreadsheets.