The American Civil War
This collection of Civil War resources includes over a thousand photos, illustrations, maps, and documents to enhance the teaching of the Civil War.

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The Emancipation Proclamation
Audiobook of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863 from the Lit2Go website.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Speech given by Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863 at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Available as an audio file and as a PDF from the Lit2Go website. Reading level: 10.9, Word count: 278
Civil War Maps
Over 130 Civil War maps including regional seats of the war, battle and campaign maps, and territories held by Confederate and Union forces. From FCIT’s Maps ETC website.
Land Battle Illustrations
Over 250 illustrations of land battles that were fought between the Union and the Confederacy from the ClipArt ETC website.
Naval Battle Illustrations
Nineteenth century naval battle illustrations from the ClipArt ETC website.
Camp Life Illustrations
Nineteenth century camp life illustrations from the ClipArt ETC website.
Slave Narratives
Thirty-four slave narratives describing the conditions before, during, and after the Civil War. From the Exploring Florida website.
Important Events Illustrations
Over a hundred illustrations of other important Civil War events from the ClipArt ETC website.
Civil War Locations
Illustrations of places that are famous due to battles or other events during the Civil War, from the ClipArt ETC website.
Miscellaneous Civil War Illustrations
Miscellaneous illustrations of the American Civil War from the ClipArt ETC website.
Miscellaneous Photos
Various photos, primarily of monuments and memorials at Arlington National Cemetery, from the ClipPix ETC website.
Corinth Contraband Camp
Over 50 photos of the Corinth Contraband Camp feature life-size bronze sculptures representing the men, women, and children who inhabited the camp. Photo gallery is from the ClipPix ETC website.
Corinth Civil War Center
Photos of the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center in Corinth, Mississippi. These photos of the “Stream of American History” are from the ClipPix ETC website.
Re-enactment Video Clips
A dozen short video clips of firearm demonstrations by reenactors at Shilo National Military Park from the ClipVideo ETC website.
A Victorious Union
A Victorious Union, part of Oliver Optic’s Blue and the Gray series, is an adventure story set in the time of the Civil War from Lit2Go. PDFs are available for each of the 31 chapters. Reading level: 9.0, Total word count: 72,505
Florida and the Civil War
At the Dry Tortugas During the War
At the Dry Tortugas During the War is an account written by Emily Holder describing her memories of Fort Jefferson during the Civil war. Audiobook and PDFs available from Lit2Go. Reading level: 9.0, Total word count: 37,242
Florida's Role in the Civil War
This two-page PDF is a part of the “Florida Then and Now” reading series on the Exploring Florida website. Over 70 Florida history passages are available a web pages and as PDFs, along with teacher notes, questions, and student activities. Each is written at the upper elementary reading level.
Olustee Battlefield
Photos of the Olustee Battlefield State Historic Site from Exploring Florida. This was the largest Civil War battle in Florida.
Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida
The Battle of Natural Bridge was the second largest Civil War battle in Florida and prevented Tallahassee from falling into Union hands. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
Historic Photos of the Civil War in Florida
A small collection of historic black-and-white photos related to the Civil War in Florida from the Exploring Florida website.
Fort Jefferson Photos
Fort Jefferson, located on the Dry Tortugas, remained in Union hands throughout the Civil War and was used to harbor ships participating in the blockade of the South. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
Fort Pickens, Pensacola
Fort Pickens was one of only three southern forts to remain in Union hands throughout the entire Civil War. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
Brooksville Raid
Four galleries of photos of the annual re-enactment of the Brooksville Raid from the Exploring Florida website. The original event (more a skirmish than the large battlefield re-enactment) was designed to deprive the Confederacy of supplies.
Castillo de San Marcos iBook
The Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida, was held by the Confederacy from 1861 until March 11, 1862. The iBook is a part of the Hispanic Heritage Series created by FCIT for the National Park Service.
Castillo de San Marcos Photos
Over 300 photos and drawings of the Castillo de San Marcos from the ClipPix ETC website. The Castillo was held by Confederate troops for just over a year during the Civil War.