FCIT’s iTeach Lounge Gets a New Look

by Shelby Di Vincenzo | Aug 30, 2018

This summer, our team collectively decided to revamp the iTeach Lounge and give it a whole new look! It has been our vision to provide a collaborative learning environment for faculty and students on USF’s campus, and with this reconfiguration, we hope to bring our vision to reality.

Phase 1 of our renovation was to “clean house” in order to create more space within the lounge. This consisted of clearing out the back storage closet, as well as the main room, and sorting through all the various technology and accessories that have gone unused for quite some time.

Once the organization was complete, and the excess bookshelves and equipment had been given to new homes, we began the process of changing our front reception area. This is where all guests sign-in and have the ability to check-out laptops, iPads, projectors, chargers, and additional technology and accessories.

Although the renovation of the Lounge is not complete, it is still open for use. For those of you on campus, feel free to stop by and say hi to our team and look around the new space. We are located in the College of Education on the 2nd floor, in room 252. We hope to see you around! Be on the lookout for additional updates on the progress of our Lounge modernization.