May 30: DeSoto Lands in Florida
On this date in 1539, Hernando DeSoto landed in Florida.

May 30: De Soto Lands Banner
Use this banner on social media to share our collection of Hernando DeSoto teaching materials.
Hernando de Soto Arrives and Explores Florida
A two-page PDF about Hernando de Soto from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
The Misadventures of Pánfilo de Narváez and Nunez de Cabeza de Vaca
A two-page PDF about Pánfilo de Narváez and Nunez de Cabeza de Vaca from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
Age of Exploration Illustrations
Over 100 illustrations are available from the 1492-1606 Exploration gallery on the ClipArt ETC website.
Hernando DeSoto in America Video
Twenty minute documentary of Spanish exploration of the Southeast United States from 1539 to 1542. Available on Florida Department of Education on iTunes U.
"Hernando DeSoto in America" Stills
Over 200 still photos extracted from the “Hernando DeSoto in America” movie on the Exploring Florida website.
DeSoto National Memorial Park
DeSoto Memorial Park celebrates the 1539 expedition of Hernando DeSoto. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
DeSoto Camp Reenactment
Photographs of a reenactment campsite at DeSoto National Memorial Park. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
DeSoto Horses
Photographs of reenactors and horses. The horses pictured in this gallery were bred at the Fine Step Farm in Bradenton, Florida. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
DeSoto Camp Reconstruction
Photographs of a reconstructed campsite from the Exploring Florida website.
DeSoto Armor
Two galleries of armor photographs showing helmets, breastplates, chain mail, and other forms of reproduction armor that would have been used by explorers. Photos from the Exploring Florida website.
Florida Maps Collection
A large collection of Florida maps from the Spanish period, arranged in galleries by date. Available on the Exploring Florida Maps website.
Route of Narvaez through Florida, 1528
Route of Narvaez through Florida from the Exploring Florida Maps website.
Hernando DeSoto Portrait
Portrait of DeSoto from the ClipArt ETC website.
De Soto's March
After sending one or more of his ships back to Cuba with news of his landing, DeSoto began marching northward. From the ClipArt ETC website.
Burial of DeSoto
DeSoto is buried in the Mississippi River so that the Native Americans who were told he was a god would not suspect otherwise. Illustration from ClipArt ETC.
DeSoto Portrait
Portrait of DeSoto with a sword from the ClipArt ETC website.