Three Centuries of Spanish Florida
We’ve assembled a collection of over 1,000 teaching resources related to the three centuries of Spanish rule in Florida. The photos, drawings, maps, stereoviews, and other resources are all cleared for non-commercial classroom use by students and teachers.

Three Centuries of Spanish Florida Banner
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Ponce de León: Florida's First Spanish Explorer
A two-page PDF about Ponce de León from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
St. Augustine
A two-page PDF about St. Augustine from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
The Misadventures of Pánfilo de Narváez and Nunez de Cabeza de Vaca
A two-page PDF about Pánfilo de Narváez and Nunez de Cabeza de Vaca from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
A two-page PDF about Pensacola from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
Hernando de Soto Arrives and Explores Florida
A two-page PDF about Hernando de Soto from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
Pedro Menendez de Aviles Claims Florida for Spain
A two-page PDF about Pedro Menendez de Aviles from the “Florida Then and Now” series on the Exploring Florida website.
San Marcos iBook
The Castillo de San Marcos National Monument iBook provides a comprehensive history of the fort from 1668 until its transfer to the United States in 1821. Created by FCIT for the NPS as a part of the Hispanic Heritage iBook series. 158 pages + 106 glossary terms, 98 MB download
Statue of Ponce de Leon
A Statue of Ponce de Leon from the ClipPix ETC website.
A Bronze Statue of Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles
A bronze Statue of Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles from the ClipPix ETC website.
St. Augustine in 3D Stereoviews
Over 100 stereoviews of St. Augustine, Florida, from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Red/blue 3D glasses required. Over 1,000 stereoviews of Florida are available on the Exploring Florida website.
St. Augustine City Gates Drawings
Set of drawings of the Old City Gates from the ClipPix ETC website.
Gallery of St. Augustine Photos
Over 400 photos of St. Augustine, Florida, from the ClipPix ETC website.
Gallery of San Marcos Photos
Nearly 400 photos of the Castillo de San Marcos from the ClipPix ETC website.
San Marcos Photo Galleries
Two smaller galleries of Castillo de San Marcos photos from the Exploring Florida website.
Gallery of Fort Matanzas Photos
A large gallery of Fort Matanzas photographs from the ClipPix ETC website.
Fort matanzas Drawings
Gallery of architectural drawings of Fort Matanzas from the ClipPix ETC website.
San Marcos de Apalachee Photos
A gallery of San Marcos de Apalachee photos from the Exploring Florida website.
Hernando DeSoto in America Video
Twenty minute documentary of Spanish exploration of the Southeast United States from 1539 to 1542. Available on Florida Department of Education on iTunes U.
"Hernando DeSoto in America" Stills
Over 200 still photos extracted from the “Hernando DeSoto in America” movie on the Exploring Florida website.
DeSoto National Memorial Photos
Over 100 photos of the DeSoto National Memorial including a reenactment, armor, and horses from the Exploring Florida website.
Mission San Luis de Apalachee Photos
A gallery of Mission San Luis de Apalachee photos from the ClipPix ETC website.
San Luis Photo Galleries
Ninety photos of Mission San Luis de Apalachee Gallery from the Exploring Florida website.
Mission San Luis Videos
Eleven clips of Mission San Luis reenactors including a blacksmith, tanner, and musicians from the Florida Department of Education on iTunes U.
Age of Exploration Illustrations
Over 100 illustrations are available from the 1492-1606 Exploration gallery on the ClipArt ETC website.
Florida Maps Collection
A large collection of Florida maps from the Spanish period, arranged in galleries by date. Available on the Exploring Florida Maps website.
Route of Narvaez through Florida, 1528
Route of Narvaez through Florida from the Exploring Florida Maps website.
Spanish Forts and Missions
Map of Spanish forts and missions in Florida before 1700 from the Exploring Florida Maps website.