Survey Tool Introduction Slide
Presentation slide introducing the custom survey tool. The TIM Survey Tool allows schools and districts to quickly create custom surveys to push out to their staff or to the wider community. Included with the Survey Tool is a starter library of survey topics including: school climate, bullying, home technology use, family-school partnership, end-of-year checklist, parent volunteering, and workshop evaluation.
Available in two formats. The standard (4:3) slide format is immediately below. Scroll down for the wide (16:9) format at bottom of this page.

The text on the slide reads:
Survey Tool
Technology Integration Matrix Custom Survey Maker
Collect data an new topics as needed.
The TIM Survey Tool allows schools and districts to quickly create custom surveys to push out to their staff or to the wider community. Included with the Survey Tool is a starter library of survey topics including: school climate, bullying, home
technology use, family-school partnership, end-of-year checklist, parent
volunteering, and workshop evaluation.