TIM-C Introduction Slide
Presentation slide introducing the TIM Coaching Tool (TIM-C). The TIM-C provides a means to record the goals, activities, progress, and outcomes of a coaching cycle. It provides a framework can be used with most coaching or mentoring programs. This tool allows any member to enter into a coaching relationship with any other member for a defined coaching cycle. One member is designated as the coach and the other member is designated as the client.
Available in two formats. The standard (4:3) slide format is immediately below. Scroll down for the wide (16:9) format at bottom of this page.

The text on the slide reads:
Technology Integration Matrix Coaching Tool
Document coaching/mentoring in your school or district.
The TIM-C provides a means to record the goals, activities, progress, and outcomes of a coaching cycle. It provides a framework can be used with most coaching or mentoring programs. This tool allows any member to enter into a coaching relationship with any other member for a defined coaching cycle.