TIM Tools Overview Slide
Presentation slide showing the three major components of TIM Tools: The Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey, the TIM Lesson Observation Tool (including the TIM-R and TIM-LP), and the ARTI Action Research Tool.

The slide text reads as follows:
TUPS: Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey.
- Classroom technology use
- Teacher perceptions
- Collect pre- and post- data
- Results help target PD
TIM-O: Technology Integration Matrix Lesson Observation Tool
- Formative feedback
- Also available as:
- A lesson reflection tool
- A lesson plan review tool
ARTI: Action Research for Technology Integration
- Action research framework
- Data collection tool
- Teacher-directed inquiry
- Teachers as change agents
- Data can be aggregated at school, district, or higher level
- Tools can support PD planning, peer coaching, grant evaluation, and more