TIM for Staff Development
If you are responsible for staff development for groups large or small, the TIM provides a common vocabulary for technology integration that focuses attention where it belongs — on teaching and learning. Too often, technology in the classroom becomes the tail wagging the dog. TIM emphasizes the pedagogical approach taken, not the devices used.
Use the TIM Tools to plan and evaluate your staff development:
- Administer the Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey (TUPS) to identify professional development needs.
- Use the TUPS to generate lists of teachers who would benefit from specific PD topics.
- Have faculty retake the TUPS each year to document professional development success.
- Use TIM-O results to identify the appropriate level of technology integration PD for each teacher.
- Introduce ARTI to integrate action research into your professional development program.
Use the TIM resources to enhance your training:
- Show your staff slide presentations or an introductory video about the TIM.
- Present premade TIM presentations in your staff development.
- Build your own presentation using our collection of helpful graphics and other resources.
- Use example videos from the Matrix and from the practice video collection as discussion-starters in staff development.
- Use the TIM-C to guide coaches and clients through a coaching cycle and document coaching work in any subject area across a school or district.
- Enroll staff in iTeach Professional Learning courses.