Whenever I look at our internal dashboard of TIM Tools use across all of our clients, I can see that hundreds of surveys are being created by schools and districts using the Survey Tool. But none of these are being shared with other schools or districts. Understandably, many forms and surveys created are specific to the particular client, but I often wander how many would be utilized by other clients if they were shared. Therefore, I’m asking:
1. If you’ve created a form or survey within the Survey Tool that you think may benefit others and you’re willing to share, please contact us at TIM@fcit.us. We’d love to receive your permission to add it to the central library of surveys that can be cloned and adapted by other TIM Tools users.
2. If you simply have an idea for a survey that you’d like for us to develop and add to the central library of available surveys, let us know. We can’t promise that we’ll be able to meet every request, but we’ll do our best. Send your ideas to TIM@fcit.us.
Remember, the Survey Tool can create both internal and public surveys. The internal surveys can target any combination of roles or locations within your TIM Tools instance. Public surveys can be open to anyone or just to those to whom entry codes have been distributed. This allows you to create surveys that are open to anyone in your community or limited, for example, to parents who have been given an entry code based on school or grade level of their children. The Survey Tool can also be used to create forms that automatically send email notifications to a designated address each time a form is submitted.
To avoid duplication, here’s a list of the surveys that are currently available within TIM Tools.
Adult Volunteer Survey – Long Form. Use this form to volunteer in our school/district. We have many different sorts of opportunities for adult volunteers to support the education of our students.
Adult Volunteer Survey – Short Form. Use this form to volunteer in our school/district. We have many different sorts of opportunities for adult volunteers to support the education of our students.
Beginning of Year Student Information Form – School Edition. This form allows parents to provide information about their child directly to the child’s teacher(s).
Campus Technology Coordinator Survey – Long Form. This survey collects information about the technology resources at each school in a district.
Campus Technology Coordinator Survey – Short Form. This survey collects information about the technology resources at each school in a district.
Cyberbullying Report. This form is for reporting cyberbullying only. For reporting incidents of other types of bullying or incidents that combine cyberbullying with other other types, please use one of the other available report forms.
End-of-Year Technology Checklist. Classroom technology checklist to be completed by teachers before summer vacation.
Family-School Partnership Survey. This survey allows parents and guardians to provide feedback regarding our family-school partnership.
Home Technology Survey – Long Form. This survey provides important information to a school or district about the level of technology access in their students’ homes.
Home Technology Survey – Short Form. This survey provides important information to a school or district about the level of technology access in their students’ homes.
Mentoring Log. Observers can use this form to record mentoring sessions.
Our Schooling at Home Experience. This survey captures the experience parents had with their children’s online learning experience during the COVID-19 school closure so that a school or district can better prepare for such events in the future.
Scheduling Poll by Hour. Use this quick poll to find best days/times for meetings, calls, and other events.
Scheduling Poll by Period. Use this quick poll to find best days/periods for meetings, calls, and other events.
School Bullying Report – Long Form. Description: Use this form to report incidents of physical, verbal, social, or cyberbullying at our school, on school transportation, or at school events regardless of location.
School Bullying Report – Medium Report. Use this form to report incidents of physical, verbal, social, or cyberbullying at our school, on school transportation, or at school events regardless of location.
School Bullying Report – Short Form. Use this form to report incidents of physical, verbal, social, or cyberbullying at our school, on school transportation, or at school events regardless of location.
School Climate Survey for Students. This short survey gives students the opportunity to share their feelings about their teachers, peers, and the school as a whole.
Teacher Access to Technology. This survey allows teachers to report access to technology in their classrooms.
Teaching from Home Survey. This survey captures the experience teachers had teaching from home during the COVID-19 school closure so that a school or district can better prepare for such events in the future.
Technology Integration Supports & Challenges. This short survey for teachers identifies the supports and challenges they face when integrating technology into their instruction.
Weekly Parent Check-In. A short form for parents or guardians to check in weekly during a distance learning emergency. Results can be used by the teacher, school, or district.
Weekly Student Check-In (Contained Classroom). A short form for students to check in weekly during a distance learning emergency. Results can be used by the teacher, school, or district.
Weekly Student Check-In (Multiple Teachers). A short form for students to check in weekly during a distance learning emergency. Results can be used by the teacher, school, or district.
Weekly Teacher Check-In. A short form for teachers to check in weekly with a supervisor or mentor during a distance learning emergency.
Working from Home Staff Survey. This survey captures the experience non-instructional staff had working from home during the COVID-19 school closure so that a school or district can better prepare for such events in the future.
Workshop Evaluation – Long Form. Participants may use this form to evaluate a workshop or other PD session they participated in.
Workshop Evaluation – Medium Form. Participants may use this form to evaluate a workshop or other PD session they participated in.
Workshop Evaluation – Short Form. Participants may use this form to evaluate a workshop or other PD session they participated in.
Roy Winkelman is a 40+ year veteran teacher of students from every level kindergarten through graduate school. As the former Director of FCIT, he began the Center's focus on providing students with rich content collections from which to build their understanding. When not glued to his keyboard, Dr. Winkelman can usually be found puttering around his tomato garden in Pittsburgh.