In our recent conversations with teachers and educational leaders at various levels, two things came through loud and clear: everyone is working at maximum capacity to maintain instructional continuity, and the last thing teachers need is another philosophical tome about distance learning, another software solution, or simply one more thing to learn. What they did ask for was something quick and easy to help everyone keep tabs on how things are going in this unexpected, new environment.
Educators emphasized the importance of being able to gather feedback from the perspective of parents, students, and teachers, to stay aware of challenges that arise and what support is needed. If you don’t already have something like this in place, we recommend that you implement a set of frequent check-ins to keep up regular communication. These check-ins should be short, focused on the current needs of each target group, and yield information that is easily actionable.
In the library within the Survey Tool (part of the TIM Evaluation Tools) we created a set of quick check-ins for your use. You can modify them to meet your needs, or use them as is.
Weekly Student Check-In (Single Teacher)
A short form for students to check in weekly during a distance learning emergency. Results can be used by the teacher, school, or district.
Weekly Student Check-In (Multiple Teachers)
A short form for students to check in weekly during a distance learning emergency. Results can be used by the teacher, school, or district.
Weekly Parent Check-In
A short form for parents or guardians to check in weekly during a distance learning emergency. Results can be used by the teacher, school, or district.
Weekly Teacher Check-In
A short form for teachers to check in weekly with a supervisor or mentor during a distance learning emergency.
In anticipation of the end to online-only schooling and a return to some level of in-person schooling in the fall, we created a set of surveys to help you capture the learnings from your current experience and use them as you build readiness plans for the future. Each of these surveys is designed to elicit feedback and suggestions from a variety of stakeholders, including: parents, teachers, and non-instructional staff. We plan to add a similar survey targeted toward students.
Our Schooling at Home Experience
This survey captures the experience parents had with their children’s online learning experience during the COVID-19 school closure so that a school or district can better prepare for such events in the future.
Working from Home Staff Survey
This survey captures the experience non-instructional staff had working from home during the COVID-19 school closure so that a school or district can better prepare for such events in the future.
Teaching from Home Survey
This survey captures the experience teachers had teaching from home during the COVID-19 school closure so that a school or district can better prepare for such events in the future.
Regardless of your role in the current effort to keep good instruction going, we commend you for your dedication, energy, and commitment to the educational integrity of our students. Thank you!
Christine Harmes is a consultant on research, measurement, and evaluation, and an ICF-certified coach. Her research interests focus on improving teacher use of technology, computer-based testing and usability. At the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at the University of South Florida, Dr. Harmes focuses on research and tool development related to technology integration.