Everyone Loves a Good Story
Share how the TIM is making a difference for you

Each week we hear interesting success stories from users of the TIM, the TIM Tools, or our TIM resource collections. Our staff enjoy hearing how the TIM is used in many different types of schools and we plan to start including some of these ideas in the FCIT newsletter. The monthly newsletter is a great way to share your stories, successes, new ideas, and best practices with interested teachers, administrators, and technology leaders around the world.
Do you have something to share about how you are using the TIM and/or TIM Tools that can help your colleagues in other schools see new ideas that they can implement? If so, please use the form below to contact us. We are interested in all TIM stories including…

TIM in your classroom

TIM & coaching


TIM & district planning
If you give us permission to share your story in our newsletter or on our website, we will use only your first name, the type of school, and the general location. For example, if Sandy Smith at Tall Pines Elementary School in Ohio writes, we would introduce her story by saying simply, “Sandy from an elementary school in Ohio writes….”
The name and email address fields are required so that we can contact you to confirm your story should we wish to publish it.
You can also help by encouraging your colleagues to subscribe to the monthly FCIT newsletter.
To submit your story, please visit the submission form on the FCIT.US website.