
Table of Contents

1. TIM Tools Admin Center
The Admin Center provides for management of the TIM Tools suite of applications.


Getting Started


Managing Members

Working with Data

The Technology Uses and Perceptions Survey provides essential information for planning technology infrastructure and support and identifying the perceptions and PD needs of teachers.

These three tools are for classroom observation, lesson plan review, and teacher reflection.






4. TIM-C
The TIM-C allows a coach and client to document the goals, activities, progress, and outcomes of a coaching cycle.

The ARTI tool provides a framework for teachers to design and conduct their own action research projects.

6. Report Tool
The Report Tool allows a school or district to create TIM-LP, TIM-O, TIM-R, or TUPS reports.

7. Survey Tool
The Survey Tool allows a school or district to create internal or external surveys on new topics as needed.

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Email us at anytime. We want to help you get the most out of your TIM Tools account!



TIM Tools 7.5 Administration Guide

Defining Member Roles (for Districts)


NOTE: This page describes the use of the Define Member Roles panel by districts. We have separate pages describing the use of this panel by individual school licensees and by ministries of education, regional service agencies, consultants, foundations, associations, vendors, grantors, teacher preparation programs, and others. If you do not need to define any additional roles, then skip ahead to the next topic, Participation Overview.


Each new instance of TIM Tools includes eight predefined roles: Super Administrator, District Leader, Zone Leader, School Leader, District Observer, Zone Observer, School Observer, and Teacher. The default permissions for each of the eight roles are preset to what is appropriate for a typical school or district situation.

The role of Super Administrator has has the highest permission level, of course. Permissions cannot be removed from the Super Administrator because there would be no one to reinstate them. The other seven predefined roles can be modified. For security reasons, modifications always reduce the number of permissions assigned to a role. For example, you can remove the permission of School Observers to review lesson plans at their school, but you cannot add the permission to review lesson plans at the district level to the School Observer role. If you wanted persons to have permissions to review lesson plans at the district level, you should make them District Observers in the first place. As you will see in the “Creating New Roles” section below, entirely new roles can be created by the Super Administrator and assigned various permission configurations as needed.

The Define Member Roles panel gives great detail about the default permissions each of the eight initial roles, but the following summary may be useful starting point.

Teacher. Members assigned the Teacher role can complete a TUPS, create a reflection, and record an action research project provided that the TUPS, TIM-R, and ARTI are set as active applications by the Super Administrator.

School Observer. Members assigned the role of School Observer have all the permissions of a Teacher and in addition may create TIM Observation and Lesson Plan Review records for their assigned school.

Zone Observer. Members assigned the role of Zone Observer have the all permissions of a School Observer and in addition may create TIM Observation and Lesson Plan Review records for any school within their assigned zone.

District Observer. Members assigned the role of District Observer have all the permissions as a Zone Observer and in addition may create TIM Observation and Lesson Plan Review records for any school within the entire district.

School Leader. Members assigned the role of School Leader have all the permissions as a School Observer, but also can create internal surveys, view the admin dashboard for their school, edit member information at the school level, access school email lists, and view and download school data from ARTI, TIM-LP, TIM-O, TIM-R, and the TUPS.

Zone Leader. Members assigned the role of Zone Leader have all the permissions as a Zone Observer, but also can create internal surveys, view the admin dashboard for their zone, edit member information at the zone level, access zone email lists, and view and download zone data from ARTI, TIM-LP, TIM-O, TIM-R, and the TUPS.

District Leader. Members assigned the role of District Leader have all the permissions as a District Observer, but also can create internal surveys, view the admin dashboard for the entire district, edit member information at the district level, access district email lists, and view and download district data from ARTI, TIM-LP, TIM-O, TIM-R, and the TUPS.

Super Admin. Members assigned the role of Super Administrator can do anything in the system including redefining roles and making wide-ranging changes to the system databases.

Figure 1. The default Define Member Roles panel.


Modifying Role Permissions

Removing or reinstating a permission for a particular role is simply a matter of clicking a button to toggle the permission off or back on. A black plus (+) sign indicates that the permission is active. A red minus (-) sign indicates that the permission has been turned off. Permission changes take effect immediately. Blue plus (+) signs indicate a permission that cannot be turned off.

Figure 2. The TUPS app has been turned off for District, Zone, and School Leaders.


Creating a New Role

Creating a new role within TIM Tools takes just a moment. At the top of the panel, enter a name for the new role and select the existing role you wish the new role to inherit its permissions from. The hard part is carefully deciding which of the many permissions to assign to the role. This is simplified greatly because every new role initially inherits the permissions of an existing role. Let’s look at a few examples.

District A has Departmental Chairs at each school. School principals want the chairs to have access to school-level reporting, but not editing rights to the membership database. The Super Admin needs to:

1. Clone School Leader role and name it Dept Chair.
2. Disable the permissions for all of the member management permissions except for downloading email lists.
3. Since there could be a great many members to be re-assigned to the role of Dept Chair, the Super Admin will probably want the convenience of making the reassignments using the “Admin Members by Spreadsheet” function.

District B has just hired an outside evaluator to review lesson plans for a grant project. This person is not currently a district member and will only need permission to review lesson plans district wide. The Super Admin needs to:

1. Clone the District Observer role and name it Outside Reviewer.
2. Disable all permissions except for “Review lesson plans across district.”
3. Use the “Add Members Individually” tab to simultaneously add the member and assign the role of Outside Reviewer.

District C has a very capable Director of Research and Measurement. She makes good use of statistical applications and needs access to downloads of raw TUPS and TIM-O data. She also intends to make some minor tweaks to the wording of the TUPS to better align with district terminology. Since only the Super Admin can edit the TUPS, the new Research Director role will need to be a clone of the Super Admin. The Super Admin needs to:

1. Clone the Super Admin role and name it Research Director.
2. Disable the permissions for managing zones, managing schools, customization, and all of the member management permissions except for downloading email lists.
3. Since there will be only one Research Director, it will be easy to assign that member her new role using the Search Members tab and then selecting the new role from the dropdown menu.

Figure 3. Three new roles have been added.

Roles that you create can be deleted by clicking the red “Remove” button above the role. When you remove a role from the system, any members in that role will automatically revert back to the inherited role used when it was created.

School D would like some of its experienced teachers to conduct peer observations of first-year teachers.

1. Clone the School Observer role and name it Teacher-Observer.
2. Disable the permission for TIM-LP (lesson plan review).
3. Change the role of the experienced teachers from Teacher to Teacher-Observer.

TIP: In cases like this, we recommend naming the new role starting with the main category, such as Teacher, so that the role is clear to all administrators using the TIM Tools instance. If, for example, you named the new role “Peer Observer,” another administrator in the system might neglect to select this role when creating an internal survey intended for all teachers in the school or district.


Permissions Menu

The following list describes each of the available permissions in the “Define Member Roles” panel. For most TIM Tools clients, the default roles will be sufficient and there is no reason to wade through the following details. If you do wish to modify or create roles, you’ll find the information you need below. When creating new roles, you may want to check them by using a different browser to log in as a test member assigned the new role and ensure that the members assigned to the new role will have the permissions you intended.

No Privileges

If no privileges are assigned to a role, members will only be able to view reports, take surveys, and update their personal profile.

TUPS: Take the Survey

TUPS is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to answer and submit the TUPS survey. members will be able to save any survey in progress to complete later. If the TUPS setting in the Admin Center is set to “Closed,” members will see a message that “The Technology Uses and Perception Survey is not being offered at the present time.”

TIM-R: Create Personal Reflections

TMI-R is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new reflections. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous reflections. Members can download a spreadsheet of all their previous reflections.

TIM-O: Conduct Observations at Own School

TIM-O is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new observations at their home school only. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous observations. Members can download a spreadsheet of their previous observations.

TIM-O: Conduct Observations within Own Zone

TIM-O is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new observations at schools within their home zone only. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous observations. Members can download a spreadsheet of their previous observations.

TIM-O: Conduct Observations across District

TIM-O is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new observations at any school in the district. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous observations. Members can download a spreadsheet of their previous observations.

TIM-LP: Review Lesson Plans at Own School

TIM-LP is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new lesson plan reviews at their home school only. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous reviews. Members can download a spreadsheet of all their previous reviews.

TIM-LP: Review Lesson Plans within Own Zone

TIM-LP is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new lesson plan reviews at schools within their home zone only. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous reviews. Members can download a spreadsheet of all their previous reviews.

TIM-LP: Review Lesson Plans across District

TIM-LP is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new lesson plan reviews at any school in the district. Members will be able to edit, delete, or change the publication status of any of their previous reviews. Members can download a spreadsheet of all their previous reviews.

ARTI: Create Action Research Projects

ARTI is added to sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new projects. Members will be able to edit, delete, change the publication status, or create a PDF of any of their previous AR projects.

Reports: Build Reports for Own School

The Build a Report option will be added under the Report Tool tab in the sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new reports with data from their home school. They will also be able to create reports that include just their own personal data. Available report types include: TUPS, TIM-O, TIM-LP, and TIM-R.

Reports: Build Reports for Own Zone

The Build a Report option will be added under the Report Tool tab in the sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new reports with data from their home school or their entire home zone. For zone reports, they will be able to select whether to de-aggregate the data by school. They will also be able to create reports that include just their own personal data. Available report types include: TUPS, TIM-O, TIM-LP, and TIM-R.

Reports: Build Reports for District

The Build a Report option will be added under the Report Tool tab in the sidebar menu. Members will be able to create new reports with data from the entire district, from any zone within the district, or from their home school. For zone and district reports, they will be able to select whether to de-aggregate the data by school. They will also be able to create reports that include just their own personal data. Available report types include: TUPS, TIM-O, TIM-LP, and TIM-R.

Surveys: Create Internal Surveys

Internal Survey Maker is added to the sidebar menu under Survey Tool. Members will be able to create new internal surveys or clone surveys from the Survey Library. Members will be able to edit, delete, or toggle the “Live Survey” status of any internal survey they previously have created. Member will not be able to create public surveys.

Surveys: Also Create Public Surveys

Public Survey Builder is added to the sidebar menu under Survey Tool. User will be able to edit, delete, or toggle the “Live Survey” status of any public survey in the entire system whether authored by the member or someone else. The user will also be able to create new public surveys or clone surveys from the Survey Library. This setting also gives the user the option of creating and publishing an internal survey. The user will also be able to convert an existing public survey to an internal survey.

Dashboard: View Summary Data

Adds the Dashboard to the Admin Center sidebar menu. Members who have school-level administrative rights will see the data just for their school. Those with zone-level rights will see the data for their zone. District administrators will see a summary of data for the entire district. Zone and district leaders will be able to expand summaries to see individual school data.

Manage Members: View and Edit Alphabetical List of Members

Adds Members > Alphabetical List to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able to view an alphabetical list of members, their usernames, IDs, and school. District Leaders will see all members. Zone Leaders will see only members from their own zone. School leaders will see only members from their own school. Member will also be able to edit properties, reset passwords, and toggle the active/inactive status of members appearing in their list.

Manage Members: Search Members. View and Edit Results

Adds Members > Search Members to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able to search for a particular member, all members at a particular school, all members of a particular role, or all members of either active/inactive status. By leaving the fields blank, the user will be able to view an alphabetical list of all members, their usernames, IDs, and school. District Leaders will be able to edit properties, reset passwords, and toggle the active/inactive status of all members. Zone and School Leaders will be able to do the same, but only for members from their respective zone or school.

Manage Members: Add New Members Individually

Adds Members > Add Members Individually to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able add one member at a time to the membership database. School Leaders can add members only to their home school. Zone Leaders can add members to any school in their home zone. District Leaders will be able to add members to any school in the district. School Leaders will be able to assign any school-level role to the new member. Zone Leaders will be able to assign any school- or zone-level role. District will be able to assign any school-, zone-, or district-level role.

Manage Members: Download Email List

Adds Members > Download Email List to Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able to download an email list of either all members or just all active members. School Leaders will be able to download email list of home school members only. Zone Leaders will be able to download list of home zone members only. District Leaders will be able to download all members of the district.

Manage Members: Add and Edit Members by Spreadsheet

Adds Members > Members by Spreadsheet to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able to download a spreadsheet of members (either active or all members), edit the spreadsheet, and upload it back into TIM Tools. The ability to make large-scale modifications to the TIM Tools members database is a very powerful and convenient feature. Used incorrectly, however, it can cause widespread damage to your database. Therefore this permission is restricted to the Super Administrator and any cloned roles based on the Super Admin.

Manage Members: Define Member Roles

Adds Members > Set Member Roles to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able to edit existing role permissions and create new roles. This permission is restricted to the Super Administrator and any cloned roles based on the Super Admin.

ARTI: View and Download Data

Adds ARTI to the Admin Center sidebar menu. School Leaders will be able to view individual projects or download ARTI data from the user’s home school only. Zone Leaders will be able to view individual projects or download ARTI data from any school in the user’s home zone or from the user’s entire home zone. District Leaders will be able to view individual projects or download ARTI data from a single school or from the entire district.

TIM-LP: View and Download Data

Adds TIM-LP to the Admin Center sidebar menu. School Leaders will be able to download TIM-LP data from the user’s home school only. Zone Leaders will be able to download TIM-LP data from a single school in the user’s home zone or from the user’s entire home zone. District Leaders will be able to download TIM-LP data from a single school or from the entire district.

TIM-O: View and Download Data

Adds TIM-O to the Admin Center sidebar menu. School Leaders will be able to download TIM-O data from the user’s home school only. Zone Leaderswill be able to download TIM-O data from a single school in the user’s home zone or from the user’s entire home zone. District Leaders will be able to download TIM-O data from a single school or from the entire district.

TIM-R: View and Download Data

Adds TIM-R to the Admin Center sidebar menu. School Leaders will be able to download TIM-R data from the user’s home school only. Zone Leaders will be able to download TIM-R data from any school in the user’s home zone or the user’s entire zone. District Leaders will be able tor download TIM-R data from a single school or from the entire district.

TUPS: View and Download Data

Adds TUPS tab to the Admin Center sidebar menu. School Leaders will be able to download TUPS data from their home school only. Zone Leaders will be able to download TUPS data from their home zone or any school within that zone. District Leaders will be able to download TUPS data for the entire district or any individual school.

Manage Zones: Add and Edit Zones

Adds Zone tab to the Admin Center sidebar menu. Member can create, rename, or delete zones. This permission is restricted to the Super Administrator and roles that inherit Super Admin permissions.

Manage Schools: Add and Edit Schools

Adds Schools tab to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User can access the Alphabetical List, Schools by Spreadsheet, and Add Schools Individually panels. User will be able to add, edit, or delete any school. This permission is restricted to the Super Administrator and roles that inherit Super Admin permissions.

Customization: Customize TIM Tools Applicaton

Adds the Customization tab to the Admin Center sidebar menu. User will be able to toggle the visibility of any TIM Tools application, edit the TIM Tools homepage, and change the site banner. This permission is restricted to the Super Administrator and roles that inherit Super Admin permissions.

Permissions Levels

Permission levels are pre-set for each of the default roles. Newly-created roles inherit the permission level of the role they were modeled from. The permission level sets limits for administrative functions. In general, School leaders will be able to manage members and download data related to their home school only. Zone leaders will be able to manage members and download data related to their home zone only. District leaders will be able to manage members and download data related to the entire district.