Lungs: Individual and Community Choices
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Constructive Learning | Entry Level
Subject: Science
Video Transcription
[Teacher voice over]
The subject today was looking at how oxygen goes into the lungs, and it was a third grade class.
Today I wanted to expose the kids to looking at how oxygen goes into the lungs and also about how we can damage our lungs. So I used some physical props and I also used some technology. is something that we use that has some great short five minute health videos. I used that to look at lungs, and then kids had a choice at the end of the class to look at either the blood or air pollution; because I tried to get across the idea that we can make personal bad health decisions as well as communities make bad health decisions.
And then, I also looked at Google to give them some better visuals for black lung pictures, and that’s how I made the transition from personal health habits to life conditions such as a coal miner faces when he also gets black lungs or she.
I think at some point in teaching and education videos got a bad name because it was kind of like babysitting the kids. The thing I like about technology and things like Brain Pop, a lot of teachers here use united streaming, is that it gives you a chance to utilize and maximize a visual aid like a 5 minute snippet without allowing it take over your whole lesson plan. You can just use it as an aid versus a whole class lesson.
[Kids blowing up balloons]
And when you breathe out its like the air going out. Everyone let out the air, but hold onto the balloon.
Video Transcription
[Teacher voice over]
The subject today was looking at how oxygen goes into the lungs, and it was a third grade class.
Today I wanted to expose the kids to looking at how oxygen goes into the lungs and also about how we can damage our lungs. So I used some physical props and I also used some technology. is something that we use that has some great short five minute health videos. I used that to look at lungs, and then kids had a choice at the end of the class to look at either the blood or air pollution; because I tried to get across the idea that we can make personal bad health decisions as well as communities make bad health decisions.
And then, I also looked at Google to give them some better visuals for black lung pictures, and that’s how I made the transition from personal health habits to life conditions such as a coal miner faces when he also gets black lungs or she.
I think at some point in teaching and education videos got a bad name because it was kind of like babysitting the kids. The thing I like about technology and things like Brain Pop, a lot of teachers here use united streaming, is that it gives you a chance to utilize and maximize a visual aid like a 5 minute snippet without allowing it take over your whole lesson plan. You can just use it as an aid versus a whole class lesson.
[Kids blowing up balloons]
And when you breathe out its like the air going out. Everyone let out the air, but hold onto the balloon.
- The students will understand the functions of the human body system.
- The students will know how personal health behaviors influence individual well-being.
- The students will know the ways in which the environment impacts health.
- The students will recognize the financial impact and risks to society and the environment posed by the use of nonrenewable energy.
- The students will know that reusing, recycling, and reducing the use of natural resources improve and protect the quality of life.
- Review lungs and breathing.
- Use BrainPop to review air pathway in body.
- Discuss dangers of smoking and reinforce with pictures of black lungs.
- Investigate other sources of black lungs, i.e coal mining. summarize and end on individual health choices and community health decisions.
Technology Present
- BrainPop
- Google search for black lungs
Grade Level: 3-5
Note: The TIM is about teaching, not technology. The placement of a lesson on the TIM is based entirely on the teaching practices demonstrated in the lesson and not on the specific technology employed. Effective pedagogy is our concern, not whether the tech involved is the latest, greatest, or most expensive. In fact, most of the sample videos were recorded some time ago as part of the original development of the Technology Integration Matrix. As you view these videos, focus on the teaching practices. When using the TIM-O to observe a lesson, remember that you can display the detailed indicators by clicking the tab on the right if you are completing a Matrix-based observation or are reviewing the TIM profile of a question-based lesson. The TIM Tools Admin Guide contains additional suggestions for observing a lesson and developing a TIM profile.
Video Reference Number: 1083

Active Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Collaborative Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Constructive Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Authentic Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC
Goal-Directed Learning
• Entry: SS LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS