Historical Fiction Graphic Organizer
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Active Learning | Adoption Level
Subject: Social Studies
Video Transcription
[Teacher Voiceover]
Today our students are connecting their social studies class with a historical fiction novel that they’re reading called my brother Sam is dead, and we’re taking three of the main characters and relating it to the theme of taking a stand against authority, and applying that information to the social studies curriculum.
By choosing the Inspiration software template that the students are using in class today, it is providing them with a graphic organizer that really helps them pinpoint exactly their thoughts. It zeroes in on what they need to think, and it gives them a guideline. The answers are not there, but there is a format for them to follow and that helps them to push through, over just having a blank sheet of paper. They can pretty much independently choose their own templates a lot of the time on what to use, and be self-directed.
Video Transcription
Today our students are connecting their social studies class with a historical fiction novel that they’re reading called my brother Sam is dead, and we’re taking three of the main characters and relating it to the theme of taking a stand against authority, and applying that information to the social studies curriculum.
By choosing the Inspiration software template that the students are using in class today, it is providing them with a graphic organizer that really helps them pinpoint exactly their thoughts. It zeroes in on what they need to think, and it gives them a guideline. The answers are not there, but there is a format for them to follow and that helps them to push through, over just having a blank sheet of paper. They can pretty much independently choose their own templates a lot of the time on what to use, and be self-directed.
- Students will read My Brother Sam is Dead.
- Students will understand what it means to take a stand against authority.
- Students will make a graphic organizer of their thoughts.
- Students will read My Brother Sam is Dead.
- They will identify three of the characters in the book who take a stand against authority.
- They will use a graphic organizer to identify ways in which these characters take a stand against authority.
Technology Present
- Inspiration software
- Computers for each student
Grade Level: 3-5
Note: The TIM is about teaching, not technology. The placement of a lesson on the TIM is based entirely on the teaching practices demonstrated in the lesson and not on the specific technology employed. Effective pedagogy is our concern, not whether the tech involved is the latest, greatest, or most expensive. In fact, most of the sample videos were recorded some time ago as part of the original development of the Technology Integration Matrix. As you view these videos, focus on the teaching practices. When using the TIM-O to observe a lesson, remember that you can display the detailed indicators by clicking the tab on the right if you are completing a Matrix-based observation or are reviewing the TIM profile of a question-based lesson. The TIM Tools Admin Guide contains additional suggestions for observing a lesson and developing a TIM profile.
Video Reference Number: 1048

Active Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Collaborative Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Constructive Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Authentic Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC
Goal-Directed Learning
• Entry: SS LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS