Project-Based Learning
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Authentic Learning | Transformation Level
Subject: Science
Video Transcription
[Teacher voiceover]
This classroom is true integration called project‐based learning where kids are using lots and lots of math, science, and communication to complete a project or create a product and they do that through learning technologically infused curriculum and then they have to do something with it immediately.
So it isn’t just about learning how to use a scanner, or learning how to use a camera, they’re learning to use it to do something with it. So the problem or the product that they are tasked with creating requires them to have that information and that’s the neat thing, is they learn something about it and they do something with it right away. So they own it, they own that information.
[Student 1 voiceover]
We’re making hydroponic foam beds for the plants, putting the little plants in the rock hole.
[Student 2 speaking]
Well we’re designing, not designing it, but we’re making walls for the house, practicing for the final project.
[Teacher voiceover]
If they’re working on individual, right now it’s what’s called interval one where they’re gaining information so they’re learning about the different things they have to do, such as what bacteria is and how it grows or all about hydroponics and what that means to our agricultural society, and how it affects our life. Or I have some that are learning how to do basic webpage design. What they will do however, is they will come together as a team depending on their particular subject and they will actually create that product or solve a challenge such as create a webpage and a PowerPoint and then some sort of a catalog or a brochure.
[Student 3 speaking]
Right now I’m having to take my pictures so that I can put it on Adobe Photo workshop so I can crop it and edit and fix it how I would like to. With what we’re doing on our next team brief challenge thing, we have to present what our team.
Video Transcription
This classroom is true integration called project‐based learning where kids are using lots and lots of math, science, and communication to complete a project or create a product and they do that through learning technologically infused curriculum and then they have to do something with it immediately.
So it isn’t just about learning how to use a scanner, or learning how to use a camera, they’re learning to use it to do something with it. So the problem or the product that they are tasked with creating requires them to have that information and that’s the neat thing, is they learn something about it and they do something with it right away. So they own it, they own that information.
[Student 1 voiceover]
We’re making hydroponic foam beds for the plants, putting the little plants in the rock hole.
[Student 2 speaking]
Well we’re designing, not designing it, but we’re making walls for the house, practicing for the final project.
[Teacher voiceover]
If they’re working on individual, right now it’s what’s called interval one where they’re gaining information so they’re learning about the different things they have to do, such as what bacteria is and how it grows or all about hydroponics and what that means to our agricultural society, and how it affects our life. Or I have some that are learning how to do basic webpage design. What they will do however, is they will come together as a team depending on their particular subject and they will actually create that product or solve a challenge such as create a webpage and a PowerPoint and then some sort of a catalog or a brochure.
[Student 3 speaking]
Right now I’m having to take my pictures so that I can put it on Adobe Photo workshop so I can crop it and edit and fix it how I would like to. With what we’re doing on our next team brief challenge thing, we have to present what our team.
- Students will use appropriate listening strategies.
- Students will use speaking strategies effectively.
- Students will understand the different ways numbers are represented and used in the real world.
- Students will measure quantities in the real world and use the measures to solve problems.
- Students will select and use appropriate units and instruments for measurement to achieve the degree of precision and accuracy required in real-world situations.
- Students will use the scientific processes and habits of mind to solve problems.
- Students will understand that science, technology, and society are interwoven and interdependent.
- Have students select a topic to study (e.g., Communications-digital imaging, AgriBiotechnology-agriscience and society, Service-quality assurance)
- Group students according to their selections.
- Each group will be responsible for completing a project or creating a product by the deadline.
- First, the student teams will gather information and learn about their project (e.g., hydroponics and what that means to our agricultural society, what is bacteria and how it grows, basic webpage design).
- Next, students learn how to use technology tools (e.g. scanners, digital cameras, Adobe Photoshop, simulations) in order to complete their project or create their product (e.g., website, PowerPoint, brochure).
- Then, teams choose how they want to present their information to the rest of the class. They will also share what worked, what didn’t work, and what they would do different next time.
Technology Present
- Computers
- Internet access
- Pathways curriculum software
Grade Level: 9-12
Note: The TIM is about teaching, not technology. The placement of a lesson on the TIM is based entirely on the teaching practices demonstrated in the lesson and not on the specific technology employed. Effective pedagogy is our concern, not whether the tech involved is the latest, greatest, or most expensive. In fact, most of the sample videos were recorded some time ago as part of the original development of the Technology Integration Matrix. As you view these videos, focus on the teaching practices. When using the TIM-O to observe a lesson, remember that you can display the detailed indicators by clicking the tab on the right if you are completing a Matrix-based observation or are reviewing the TIM profile of a question-based lesson. The TIM Tools Admin Guide contains additional suggestions for observing a lesson and developing a TIM profile.
Video Reference Number: 1119

Active Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Collaborative Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Constructive Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS
Authentic Learning
• Entry: LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC
Goal-Directed Learning
• Entry: SS LA MA SC SS
• Adoption: LA MA SC SS
• Adaptation: LA MA SC SS
• Infusion: LA MA SC SS
• Transformation: LA MA SC SS